Annie Petersen
Donor Relations and Database Specialist
(619) 331-1991
Elizabeth Porter, CPA
Director of Finance &
Human Resources
(619) 331-1926
Legal Name
1549 El Prado, Ste 1
San Diego, CA 92101
Planned giving is a perfect way to support Balboa Park.
When you make a planned gift to Forever Balboa Park you are helping ensure that Balboa Park is not only sustained, but brought to its world-class potential for future generations to enjoy. When creating your will or trust, you can choose how to include Forever Balboa Park as a beneficiary of your estate. We always recommend working with a financial advisor and estate planning attorney regarding your Balboa Park bequests and deferred donations. Please see below for some suggested language.
A bequest is one of the most meaningful ways to express your love for Balboa Park. Your giving makes a lasting impact on Forever Balboa Park’s ability to sustain, envision, and enhance Balboa Park. Making a bequest has no out-of-pocket cost and the value of the bequest can reduce your taxable estate.
Please know that if you choose to restrict your giving for a certain purpose, it increases the chances that the specific program you’ve designated may not be as relevant or as vital at the time of your gift disbursement as it is today. It’s best to contact Forever Balboa Park directly to ensure that your intentions can be executed as intended.
The following is language suggested by Forever Balboa Park to make a bequest:
I give to Forever Balboa Park, or its successor organization, a nonprofit 501c3 organization located in San Diego, California, the sum of $(Amount) or (Percentage)% of my estate, or all the residue of my estate, which I own at the time of my death.
Charitable Gift of annuity
For persons over 60, a Charitable Gift Annuity is a great way to guarantee personal income to and also benefit Forever Balboa Park. Based upon your age and set formulas, you will receive annual income, a tax deduction, and a portion of your annual payment will likely be tax-free. At your death, the remainder of the annuity is distributed to The Legacy Fund for the benefit of Forever Balboa Park.
Retirement Plans
Naming Forever Balboa Park as a beneficiary of your IRA or other type of retirement plan is a meaningful way to donate to Balboa Park. When you name Forever Balboa Park as a beneficiary (either a percentage or sole beneficiary), you will avoid both income and estate taxes for that percentage of the plan.
Life Insurance
Did you know that you can designate Forever Balboa Park as a beneficiary or contingent beneficiary of your life insurance? This is often an easy way to leave a legacy. If you have a life insurance policy with a cash value, you might consider changing Forever Balboa Park to be the owner of the policy. You receive a tax deduction for the value of the policy, and payments you make to us to pay the ongoing premiums are also tax-deductible.
Balboa Park Donations and Gifts During Lifetime
An outright gift of cash, stocks, or other assets will always be appreciated, and you can watch how the park has benefitted during your lifetime! We encourage you to consult your own financial and/or legal advisors to discuss the best way to make a charitable gift while realizing your tax and estate goals.

For more information, Contact
Ashley Carbonell
Database & Donor Relations Specialist
(619) 331-1991
Elizabeth Porter, CPA
Director of Finance and Human Resources
(619) 331-1926
Thank you for helping sustain, envision, and enhance Balboa Park for generations to come. We encourage you to consult a financial advisor to confirm the benefits and restrictions that may apply to you.
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