Industry of Hues on Website Redesign and Forever Balboa Park 

For the past few months, you’ve been getting a taste of Forever Balboa Park’s new look. Our comprehensive brand identity has been rolling out across email, social media, and now, a new website. The boutique agency Industry of Hues has been instrumental in the development of a brand that embodies our mission: to work collaboratively toward the greater good of Balboa Park. Their designers’ forward-thinking approach coupled with stunning images by local photographer Kambria Fischer make for an impressive website to showcase Forever Balboa Park’s efforts to improve the park for all. We asked Industry of Hues about their creative process below: 

Q. What do you love most about Balboa Park?

We love the fact that there’s always a corner of the park that we never knew existed. Whether it’s a trail, a garden, or building, Balboa Park always has so much to give.

Q. You are both avid park goers—how did that influence the design of the website?

The simple answer: we wanted the vistas of the park to play the starring role. This meant using lots of beautiful shots of the park, and keeping those as raw and as natural as possible. A digital landscape is never going to have the same impact as the physical one, but the images should absolutely entice the user with the promise of discovering that new ‘corner’ we mentioned above.

Q. Aesthetics are important, but what were your goals for the user experience? 

There is a lot of dynamic information featured throughout this website (programs, volunteering,Visitors Center, etc.). The goal was to chunk that content down. Our focus was to make it a more efficient experience. However, that being said, we also wanted the user to “digitally wander” throughout the website, discover fresh aspects of Forever Balboa Park. We introduce many clickable opportunities to support this intentional meandering.

Q. What did you learn about Forever Balboa Park in this process?

That it truly takes so much love, energy, time, and financial resources to continue to sustain and enhance this incredible park of ours for the present and generations to come. We encourage the community to learn more about everything Forever Balboa Park does and the many ways that each person can do their part (as we have through this project). 

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